Competitions/Moot Court
Compete in
Our Virtual Moot Court.
At Thynkdifferent, we offer a premier platform for aspiring legal minds to showcase their talents through our competitions. Engage in moot court, essay contests, or debates to push your limits, gain invaluable experience, and earn prestigious awards.

Registeration Deadline : 24th November 2024
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Clarification Deadline : 28th November 2024
Submission of memorial : 8th December 2024
Oral Round Date : 10th December 2024
Registeration Fee : ₹2000
: ₹50,000 pool
1. The Republic of Parlemento is the largest democracy in the world with a population of around 140 crores.
2. The Republic of Parlemento consists of people from different strata of the society, people from different religions, people from different educational and financial backgrounds, etc. The Republic of Parlemento is thus, a secular, socialist, economic and a democratic nation.
3. In the International Nation’s Organisation, almost all the countries of the world are member nations and the Republic of Parlemento in recent times has gained public popularity in the said organisation, thereby boosting the economy and the image of the country, on an international platform.
4. During 2020, the entire world was affected by Covid-19 pandemic and during the said period digital transactions increased manifold. Digital assets have been on the rise in the recent times.
5.The Republic of Parlemento did not enact any law to legalise the framework of digital assets, digital currency, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) etc. An attempt to ban these form of digital currency or assets was set aside by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of the Republic of Parlemento. While the Government continues to contemplate its stance on cryptocurrencies and NFTs, it has, in the interim, implemented a new tax regime aimed at taxing gains and, or, income from virtual digital assets @ 30%.
6. That the citizens of the nation were perplexed as to when there is no law legalizing the digital currency, digital assets, NFTs etc., the decision to tax gains from the same is unreasonable.
7. Thereafter, various citizens filed SLPs before the Hon’ble Supreme Court challenging the insertion of the new S. 115 BBH in the Income Tax Act. The Hon’ble Supreme Court posted the said challenge to the aforementioned section for final hearing on the issues raised hereunder:
a. Whether or not the Government is justified in taxing digital currency, digital assets, NFTs etc., which is not legalized?
b. Whether or not S.115BBH Income Tax Act is violative of the Constitution of India?
8. The laws of Republic of Parlemento are in pari materia with that of the Union of India.

Registeration Deadline : 24th November 2024
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Clarification Deadline : 28th November 2024
Submission of memorial : 8th December 2024
Oral Round Date : 10th December 2024
Registeration Fee : ₹2000
: ₹50,000 pool
Rules and Regulations
1. Two students from a law college are eligible to form a team for the purpose of participating in this competition. One college can send a maximum of 2 teams.
2. Team shall not comprise of a researcher, thus, both the team members are speakers.
3. Teams shall be known by the names of students alphabetically, for instance, if two students i.e., Mr. Suresh Rana of X Law College, Hyderabad and Ms. Padmavathi Rathore of X Law College, Hyderabad choose to form a team, then, the team code shall be Ms. Padmavathi Rathore and Mr. Suresh Rana. Alphabetically meaning P preceded S in the example.
4. Students of all years of the Five year and Three year law courses are eligible to participate in this Competition.
5. Registration Fees- Rs.500/-; The said amount can be paid via Googlepay on +91 7652095061. Incase the students want to pay the fees to a bank account, an email requesting details to be sent.
6. It is mandatory to send in the acceptance email through the official email Ids of the colleges or through Moot Court Society Email Ids, however acceptance emails can be sent through the personal email id of any team member incase the college does not have any such society.
7. A mail with the team code agreeing to participate in the said competition shall be sent on or before 20/11/2022 after paying the registration fees. The said email must provide the postal addresses with pincodes of both the team members, mobile numbers of both the team members, Scanned Copy of College ID Card of both the team members.
8. For all further correspondences the teams shall communicate using the email Id used for sending the confirmation email and no communication from new Email Ids will be entertained.
9. Each speaker shall speak for 15 minutes subject to extension granted by the judges.
10. The link for the competition will be sent to the email ids from which the soft copy of the memorials are sent.
11. Competition will be held on 17/12/2022 & 18/12/2022. A short Inauguration ceremony shall take place on 17/12/2022 which shall be attended by all participants without fail.
12. Steady internet connection to be maintained.
13. Cameras to be turned on at all times during the rounds.
14. Compendiums to be sent online only by 13/12/2022 on or before 5 pm.
15. Breach of deadlines shall entail disqualification.
16. In case during the rounds if there is any internet interruption from the side of the participant, then, a 5 minutes extension only will be granted, subject to the discretion of the judge.
17. Feedback after the rounds shall be provided.
18. All clarifications sought to be sent on or before 30/11/2022.
19. Dress Code for Men: White Shirt, Black or Grey Blazer, Black or Grey formal pants. Dress Code for Women: White Salwar Kameez with dupatta or White Shirt, Black or Grey Blazer, Black or Grey formal pants or skirt.
20. Failure to follow the dress code shall entail disqualification subject to the discretion of the Judge.
21. The Moot Court Coordinator is Mrs. P C Nirmala who can be contacted during working hours i.e., 12pm – 8pm at +91 9963684660. However, all queries to be sent via email only.
22. All email correspondences to be sent to
List of
prizes for the winners.
Best Memorial
Best Speaker
Best Researcher
At Thynkdifferent, we believe in rewarding excellence and dedication. Our competitions offer substantial prizes to recognize and celebrate the achievements of our participants.